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A workbook for busy people, from Ex Ordo.

Choosing a conference venue

4 August 2023

When you’re choosing a conference venue, a checklist can help you wade through the options out there. These questions will help you make sure you don’t miss a thing.

Conference Planning

The state of scholarly events in 2023

20 July 2023

To contextualise the changes we’ve seen in the scholarly events industry over the past few years, we take a deep dive into how societies and associations are connecting and engaging with their communities, specifically through the lens of their research and technical conferences.

Over the course of 15 months (early-2022 to mid-2023), we conducted 27 open-ended interviews with a cross-section of our Ex Ordo customers, scholarly societies, and industry representatives. We asked each about their goals, activities, issues, and challenges. We listened, we learned. We identified several themes and trends. And we compiled a list of the top 10 insights, which we’re happy to share with you below.

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