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A workbook for busy people, from Ex Ordo.

3 WordPress themes for your conference website

22 May 2014

The conference website is one of the first major milestones of the planning process (there is more information on all the milestones in our conference planning eBook). We have already discussed what to consider when implementing an effective conference website design in the first part of this blog post. It can be time consuming and costly. But…

Conference Promotion

Effective Conference Website Designs – Part I

30 April 2014

As outlined in the conference planning ebook, the planning of the conference begins approximately 12 months before the conference is due to begin. The conference website is one of the first major milestones of the planning process. The website goes live approximately 8 months before the conference begins (when the Call for Papers is issued) in…

Conference Promotion

Doctor Zen’s insight on Poster Presentation (Interview)

15 April 2014

The poster presentation offers a different medium to present your research in a conference setting to that of the oral session. It is a visually effective communication tool and allows one-to-one interaction with conference attendees who are interested in your research. Zen Faulkes has kindly taken time out to help us get a better understanding of…

Conference Day

The challenges of a novice academic writer (interview)

4 April 2014

Academic writing can be difficult for anyone, especially if you are a novice writer. A lot of novice academic writers struggle to formulate their thoughts and research onto paper in readable text. Rachael Cayley has kindly given up her time to give us a better insight into the struggles faced by novice academic writers. Where…

Research World
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